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In progress - The Open College of the Arts

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In progress

Inspired by students and tutors I jumped on the 365 bandwagon and started my own project on 1 September 2017. I am naming and shaming myself as I am rather far behind but rather than give up I am using this post to both show what I’ve been up to and to spur myself on and anyone else struggling with projects to keep at it!
My project is currently collage based, using found surfaces – small boxes – and magazines, catalogues and brochures to collate imagery. Using good old fashioned scissors and pritt stick I dissect imagery and reassemble them.
When I studied my degree, my body of work centred around women in advertising, the gaze and subverting stereotypes and meaning. For those paintings I started off with collage, then scaled them up to large paintings as seen below.

Although it’s quite a few years later I see this work as an extension of that and there is potential in the works to develop them further but for the moment I am just enjoying the process of making.
My creative routine for this project involves me being squirrelled away in my husband’s grandad’s attic on Sunday afternoons, I cut lots of stuff out and then look at what I have and put things together, when I’m happy with a batch I get sticking. I like that things don’t quite fit and there is a humour to the images. There are themes running through the work and deeper questions to ask but that will come later with reflection. There are some pieces I like more than others and some that feel like filler pieces but I’m okay with that, the main thing is I am doing.


Posted by author: Joanne

2 thoughts on “In progress

  • These are really interesting I really like using collage as it has endless possibilities and when using found images from magazines I also noticed how the media uses women to sell an unrealistic dream or lifestyle

    • Thank you Sarah, I think it could throw up questions about gender roles, sexuality and diversity in advertising – whether what I have here is the norm or whether it’s what’s been targeted to my specific demographic?

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