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fashion design Blog Posts - The Open College of the Arts

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The Open College of the Arts' blog

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fashion design

Cross cultural influences in fashion thumb

Cross cultural influences in fashion

Wherever people come from or wherever people go, people’s culture and therefore identity is in a constant evolution, a change that looks back and forward in history. For this reason, appearance plays a very important role in that, clothing establishes a way of exteriorising our personality, our own identity and thereby our history. According to that, the inspiration for my work, usually comes from my curiosity on identifying elements from different cultures that have been appropriated for another different culture, and have been given a different meaning and appearance to the previous one, at the same time as trying to understand the reasons why this has occurred.

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The long and winding thread…. thumb

The long and winding thread….

Introducing our new textiles blogger, OCA tutor Trisha Goodwin. Trisha has already produced one interesting post, with the striking image of an embroidered rusty car door in it. Now she tells us more about her life and her work. ‘My route to becoming a textile artist/designer/tutor was not an obvious one, which I feel gives […]

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