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Safeguarding - The Open College of the Arts | Distance Learning Degrees and Courses

To find out more details about the transfer to The Open University see A New Chapter for OCA.

Safeguarding at OCA

OCA recognises its important role in protecting the safety and wellbeing of its students, staff and any visitors.

If you have concerns for yourself, or someone you know, we want to help as best we can. We know it isn’t always easy to share this information, but it is important that you do.

Whatever your concerns or circumstances, you will be listened to, and your concerns will be taken seriously.

If you are concerned that a child/young person/vulnerable adult is in possible IMMEDIATE danger – including risk of suicide, please take action to ensure their safety by contacting the Emergency Services by telephoning 999, or 112 if outside the UK.

Then email details about the incident to [email protected].

If you cannot send an email, call Tel +44(0)1226 978619 and leave a message. The Safeguarding Team will contact you during standard business hours.

How to report a concern

If you are concerned that there is an immediate risk of harm to a person(s) contact emergency services on 999 if in the UK or 112 if outside the UK. After this, please submit a concern through our online referral form, or send all information via email to [email protected].

If you do not believe there is an immediate danger, please submit a concern through our . Or you can send your concerns via email to [email protected] to review. You can also book an appointment with an adviser on OCA Learn, or call 01226 978619 to speak with a member of staff or leave a message.

All contacts are during standard OCA Business Hours which are Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am – 4pm, GMT.

If you are concerned about the risk to a child/young person/vulnerable adult outside business hours and expert advice is needed, or you wish to discuss this outside of OCA, you can contact the local Children’s Social Care or Adult Social Services. Alternatively you can contact:

• NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 Mon- Fri 8am – 10pm or 9am – 6pm at the weekends
• Domestic Abuse Helpline Tel 0808 2000 247, 24 hours a day

If you do this, please also submit through our online referral form or email [email protected] with the information that you have reported.

Anna Tarazevich

Safeguarding Policy

The Safeguarding Policy outlines the steps taken by OCA to safeguard all members in the OCA community. We set out how we will create a safe environment for students to learn and develop in, how we will provide training and raise awareness of safeguarding issues, and how safeguarding concerns can be reported and handled.

Safeguarding Policy