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OCA Enterprise - The Open College of the Arts | Distance Learning Degrees and Courses

To find out more details about the transfer to The Open University see A New Chapter for OCA.

OCA Enterprise

Welcome to OCA Enterprise.

This is a new project launched by the Open College of the Arts for students, prospective students, and businesses.  We aim to develop post-study skills, provide opportunities to network with other students, alumni, and businesses, and help launch student initiatives.

As a charity, our principles underpin what Enterprise means for OCA. Our work in enterprise fulfills our charitable mission in two ways; by uniting the fringes, geographically and in society, and ensuring benefits for society in all that we do.

We want to understand what students, and others, want from enterprise; please help us by completing this short survey.

Enterprise Enhancement Scheme

Introducing our new Enterprise Enhancement Scheme, providing funding to students to engage in enterprise activity.

This new initiative is open to all students at Level Two (HE5), and Level Three (HE6). This is to cover activities that support you in securing your ambition post-study.

This could be attending a conference, an exhibition, a training course or event. It could be setting up a project with other students to design graphics for e-greetings cards, or investment in digital technology to enable you to take innovative images.

Applications are open to individuals or groups of students. The amount of funding available is £100 per individual, or £150 per individual when applying as part of a group. We encourage students to collaborate in projects and apply as part of a group.

At the end of your project or activity, you’ll be asked to write up a case study so we can see what impact the funding has had, and use your experiences to encourage others to access this funding too.

To apply, please read the guidance notes available below, and submit a completed application form to [email protected].

How can I apply?

Use this form to apply for funding, and send to [email protected]

Application Form

What do I need to apply?

These guidance notes will help you to fill in the application form. It details what information is required as part of your application.

Guidance Notes