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To find out more details about the transfer to The Open University see A New Chapter for OCA.


The Open College of the Arts' blog

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Visiting an illustrator thumb

Visiting an illustrator

If you could meet your favourite creative practitioner, what would you ask them? Work-related learning, such as visits to studios, conversations with practitioners, or more involved relationships through live projects and placements, all offer direct ways to help inform your knowledge and understanding of your discipline.

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Writing erotic fiction. Part 2 thumb

Writing erotic fiction. Part 2

In my last post I explained how finding a subject that has nothing to do with sex can turn what has become a necessary scene for your book into something original and engaging. The same applies to your characters – not everyone is youthful and nubile and devastatingly attractive.

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Ensemble in focus – The Hermes Experiment thumb

Ensemble in focus – The Hermes Experiment

This is the first in a series of blogs where I introduce OCA composers (or, indeed, anybody else who might be interested) to UK-based ensembles, particularly those that are young, exciting, and focus on performing newly composed music.

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Do your romantic scenes stop at the bedroom door? Part 1 thumb

Do your romantic scenes stop at the bedroom door? Part 1

Do you cringe at the thought of going any further? Nearly all of us are built to the same body plan, and those bodies react in very similar ways. Maybe you’re worried that your family will be appalled at what you write. Ever heard of a pseudonym? I have to admit that it was my agent who suggested I have a go, as she’d been approached about providing stories for an erotic anthology – now long out of print.

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Cross cultural influences in fashion thumb

Cross cultural influences in fashion

Wherever people come from or wherever people go, people’s culture and therefore identity is in a constant evolution, a change that looks back and forward in history. For this reason, appearance plays a very important role in that, clothing establishes a way of exteriorising our personality, our own identity and thereby our history. According to that, the inspiration for my work, usually comes from my curiosity on identifying elements from different cultures that have been appropriated for another different culture, and have been given a different meaning and appearance to the previous one, at the same time as trying to understand the reasons why this has occurred.

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