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Our Policies - The Open College of the Arts | Distance Learning Degrees and Courses

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Our Policies

OCA Student Regulations

OCA Student Regulations take the form of both core and supplementary policies. The core policies are the most critical to know and understand in order to study at OCA. These policies are the Terms and Conditions, Admissions Policy, Assessment Policy, Refund Policy, and Student Code of Conduct. All of these policies (plus some others) are sent to you when you enrol with OCA.

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions set out the contract between OCA and you as a student.

Terms and Conditions

Admissions Policy

This policy details how you join a course at OCA, as well as any entry requirements that apply.

Admissions Policy

Assessment Policy

The Assessment Policy covers how your studies are assessed, what you need to complete to achieve qualifications, and the OCA process.

Assessment Policy

Refund and Compensation Policy

Your refund entitlement, what you can claim a refund for, and how and when you will receive a refund if due.

Refund and Compensation Policy

Student Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out the expected behaviours as a student with OCA, and what happens if those behaviours are not met.

Student Code of Conduct

Academic Frameworks and Learning & Teaching Policies

The Academic Framework are the core governing principles for how programmes of study operate at OCA. OCA operates the Academic Regulations for Subsidiary Institutions of The Open University, and in addition there is the Learning and Teaching Policy, and Tuition Policy, which cover how learning and tuition is actually delivered at OCA. Lastly, the Progression and Continuation Policy sets out certain progression restrictions between units and stages, and the Assessment through the Medium of Welsh Policy details support for Welsh language speakers.

Academic Framework

Here you'll find the academic regulations that apply during the 2023/24 academic year.

Academic Framework

Assessment through the Medium of Welsh Policy

The Assessment through the Medium of Welsh Policy details how we support Welsh language speakers at assessment.

Assessment through the Medium of Welsh Policy

Learning and Teaching Policy

The Learning and Teaching policy sets out how learning is designed, developed, and delivered at OCA.

Learning and Teaching Policy

Progression Policy

The Progression and Continuation Policy sets out certain progression restrictions between units and stages

Progression Policy

Tuition Policy

This policy sets out how tuition happens, the role of tutors, and learning environments that facilitate tuition and learning.

Tuition Policy

Student Support Policies

This section covers all the policies that cover supporting aspects of your study, from building and maintaining an engaging learning environment to safeguarding students at risk.

Active Study Policy

The Active Study Policy supports maintaining engagement with study, covering what you need to do, and what OCA has to do.

Active Study Policy

Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy

Bullying and harassment is not tolerated at OCA, and this policy sets out the behaviours we expect from students and what we will do if we are aware of bullying or harassment happening

Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is a legal duty and covers persons under the age of 18 or at risk adults. These may be OCA students or unconnected. This sets out our policy ad what we do if a concern is raised

Safeguarding Policy

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy

OCA does not tolerate sexual harassment and misconduct, violence or abuse, and this policy sets out what happens if a concern is raised.

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy

Student Support Policies

This section covers all the policies that cover supporting aspects of your study. This includes how to apply for extra time, how we support student accessibility, and applications for credit exemption.

Extenuating Circumstances Policy

If you lose time during your study due to illness or other events you could apply through our Extenuating Circumstances Policy for more time

Extenuating Circumstances Policy

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Recognition of Prior Learning looks at study or life experience you have already done, and awards you credits based on that

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Student Accessibility Policy

OCA programmes are designed to by accessible to all, and this policy outlines how we do that, and how we support students with additional accessibility needs

Student Accessibility Policy

Wellbeing Policy

Student wellbeing is important to ensure that our students can achieve their goals. This policy sets out what we do to support positive wellbeing.

Wellbeing Policy

Fees and Finance Policies

OCA is a not-for-profit organisation, and our fees are less than equivalent courses at campus-based universities. Our fees are set by our Board of Trustees, and our policies detail how and when we can increase fees.

Student Debt Policy

If students accrue a debt with OCA, this policy details what we'll do to work with students to pay down the debt

Student Debt Policy

Student Fees Policy

This policy sets how OCA can change fees, when, and under what conditions

Student Fees Policy

Conduct Policies

Whilst you are a student at OCA, there are certain expectations of you as a student. These cover how you interact with your peers and staff, both on OCA systems and platforms, and on social media. In addition they also cover your ability to study the course, both academically and with computer literacy.

Academic Misconduct Policy

Activities such as plagiarism are not permitted, and the Academic Misconduct Policy sets out what happens if you are found to have used these activities

Academic Misconduct Policy

Fitness to Study Policy

Fitness to study details how you engage with study, your personal ability to engage, and how OCA supports you in doing so.

Fitness to Study Policy

Online Behaviour and Social Media Policy

This policy sets out the expectations of conduct towards others in online spaces and social media.

Online Behaviour and Social Media Policy

Student Computing Policy

The Student Computing Policy covers IT Literacy and what you'll need to be comfortable with in IT.

Student Computing Policy

Data Protection Policies

As a student you’ll provide personal and sensitive data as part of enrolment to OCA. We use this information to provide services to you, and to carry out our statutory duties. Our Data Protection policies detail what data we collect, what we use it for, who we share it with, and how long we keep it for.

Data Breach Policy

This policy looks at what happens if something goes wrong and data is inadvertently shared

Data Breach Policy

Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy

Our overarching policy on Data Protection. It sets out what data we collect, what we use it for, who we share it with, and how long we keep it for.

Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy

Data Protection Impact Assessment Policy

This policy details how OCA conducts assessments on data, both our need to ask for it, and what we need to do to keep it safe

Data Protection Impact Assessment Policy

Data Protection Policies

As a student you’ll provide personal and sensitive data as part of enrolment to OCA. We use this information to provide services to you, and to carry out our statutory duties. Our Data Protection policies detail what data we collect, what we use it for, who we share it with, and how long we keep it for.

Data Retention Schedule

This sets out what data we keep, and for how long.

Data Retention Schedule

Information Security Policy Set

A set of policies covering Information for students and staff at OCA. Entails emails, communications, network security and more.

Information Security Policy Set

Student Privacy Policy

The Student Privacy Policy covers the data we collect from you as a student, and how we process that data.

Student Privacy Policy

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policies

The OCA student body is extremely diverse, and something we are proud of. We are not complacent though, and these policies help to explain what we are doing to deliver parity of experience for students of all backgrounds.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy

This policy introduces the efforts OCA makes to ensure parity of opportunity for all students at OCA

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy

Gender Identity Policy

OCA aims to support gender diverse and trans students to have an equitable student experience

Gender Identity Policy

If things go wrong

Occasionally things do go wrong, and when that happens we want to put things right. The Complaints and Academic Appeals Policies are the routes to bring to OCA’s attention things that haven’t gone to plan, and we’ll do our utmost to sort it out.

Academic Appeals Policy

The Academic Appeals policy is for when you want to raise something that is academic in nature, but not appeals against marks or academic judgement

Academic Appeals Policy

Student Complaints and Non-Academic Appeals Policy

The Student Complaints and Non-Academic Appeals Policy covers decisions and incidents that are not academic in nature or do not directly affect your study

Student Complaints and Non-Academic Appeals Policy

Statutory Policies

These policies cover specific duties that OCA as a Higher Education Provider must undertake by law.

Criminal Convictions Policy

Studying with a criminal conviction is not normally a barrier to study, but OCA undertakes additional tasks to safeguard the OCA community and support study.

Criminal Convictions Policy

Prevent Duty Policy

The Prevent Duty aims to safeguard people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

Prevent Duty Policy

OCA Forms

Below you’ll find a variety of forms to us when contacting OCA, say for example if you wish to withdraw, or appoint and advocate on your behalf.

Advocacy Guidelines and Procedure

Advocacy Guidelines and Procedure

Cancellation Form

Cancellation Form

Complaints Form

Complaints Form

Data Breach Form

Data Breach Form

Freedom of Information Request Form

Freedom of Information Request Form

Information and Communication Technologies Exemption Form

Information and Communication Technologies Exemption Form

Right to Erasure Form

Right to Erasure Form